We provide capabilities in the following areas
Strategy and business plan formulation, execution and cascading.
The world of music is ever growing and evolving, and we’re not just talking about sound trends. With the consistent introduction of varying revenue streams and distribution channels.
Executive and senior management mentoring and coaching.
Ideas, tangible or not, are the most important things to protect in today’s competitive creative market. With so many channels and constantly replenishing feeds to watch out for, tracing the ownership and originality of a design.
Team and personal effectiveness and alignment.
Maintaining the integrity of your public image is an inseparable part of your business, whether you’re a creative individual or a small company. Protecting your privacy and your public image.
Performance management and accountability
The way people consume entertainment is constantly in flux, so the laws must adapt quickly. Harris Ingram strives to anticipate these changes so you can focus more on creating a performance of a lifetime.
Conference design
Demystifying art law is in itself a creative practice. It requires finesse, strategic structuring, and, in many ways, empathy. At the end of the day, art and its worth is profoundly personal.
Training and development
Whether you run a theater, recording studio, or an eCommerce website, all businesses need to minimize their legal liability and risk. Our lawyers will assess the structure of your operation, such as its physical or digital space.
Leadership development programmes
Fashion law is a little bit like the Wild West. There’s a lot of potential, but the rules can be convoluted and vague at best. Protecting a brand or even a single design.
Organisational design and structuring
The internet, software, and technology are so pervasive that we can’t remember having ever lived without them. They make our lives simpler, but behind the curtain are fluctuating challenges in protection and monetization.
The startup and small business marketplace is still a new and fierce frontier that requires legal advice from attorneys who are deeply entrenched in the particulars of venture financing. We offer a competitive advantage.
Create new habits and momentum to achieve your True North
Why us?
We enable you to create new habits and momentum to achieve your True North. Our practical and stimulating approach has been developed having walked in your shoes.We have robust yet flexible systems and methodologies that can be adapted to suit your own circumstances and needs. We ensure that you not only develop a clear vision and strategy of where you want to be but are clear about what it is going to take to get there and how to measure your progress towards your goals.
Our team of facilitators and coaches have extensive local and international experience in a variety of industries, including information technology, business management, education, consulting, human resources, training and customer service.
Embarking on new journeys often means that new or supplementary skills and experience are required. We have access to a network of expert associates and business partners to provide you with specialised skills and capabilities.